On this occasion I hiked with Tom Chester, Adrienne Ballwey and Walt Fidler on the 5.1 mile section of the Pacific Crest Trail from Blue Ridge Summit to Guffy Camp. We had arranged a car shuttle leaving one car at Guffy Camp so we only had to hike in one direction. The trail begins at 7386' at the parking area near Inspiration Point and skirts the property of the Mountain High Ski Resort with its ski lifts, passing two small reservoirs and the Blue Ridge Campground, and reaching a high point of about 8500' before descending gently to Guffy Camp. At the end of the day we took a short downhill side trail to Guffy Spring which turned out to be a fantastic location the high point of which was an absolutely incredible display of the rare in the San Gabriels taxon
Delphinium glaucum in prime blooming condition. My photo galleries are probably going to be considerably shorter and less photogenic until next spring both because most species have been displayed frequently enough and because there are fewer blooming species at this time of the year, but you may refer to the master list of species by segment of the PCT which will be maintained and may be found
here. Most of my hikes on the PCT for a while are going to be primarily of an exploratory nature in preparation for doing them again next year earlier in the season. An asterisk indicates a non-native species. Incidentally, Guffy Camp was named for an early prospector named Samuel Scott Guffy who in the 1870s built a homestead near Wright's Lake that he later sold to Sumner Banks Wright, the "Father of Wrightwood."