The road along the West Fork of the San Gabriel River is in my opinion one of the prettiest places in our local mountains. It begins on SR-39 north of Azusa and about a mile north of the Rincon Ranger Station, and from there it is about 8 miles to the Cogswell Dam and Reservoir. Beyond this point there is access to Devil's Canyon and all the way to the Red Box Ranger Station. The road winds along with the river on one side and a series of seepy fern-covered rock cliffs on the other, and on a late spring day when the sun is shining brightly and there is a cool breeze blowing, it just doesn't get any better. This is also a popular fishing and picnicing destination, particularly on weekends, and because there are only occasional vehicles passing up to the Reservoir, it is an excellent biking road. One day I hiked and botanized the first 3-1/2 miles, then went back a few days later to bicycle that part and hike the remaining 4-1/2 miles to the reservoir.
I want to mention that I welcome suggestions and/or corrections about the plant identifications that I have displayed here. Sometimes working from local floras or being in the company of people who are more knowledgeable than I gives me greater confidence in the correctness of those id's that are given, but sometimes my confidence level is lower, so I appreciate it when others suggest a change. An asterisk next to the common name indicates a non-native taxon. Thanks to Bob Allen for the butterfly ID's, to Hartmut Wisch for the dragonfly and spittlebug ID, and to Stephen McCabe for the Dudleya ID. |