This photo gallery is based on several hikes along the Strawberry Peak trail from Red Box, one of which led to Strawberry Peak and one to the so-called Strawberry Meadows. At 6,165' Strawberry Peak is the highest peak in the front range of the San Gabriel Mts. John Robinson writes that "Strawberry is the only peak in the front range whose ascent involves more than a plodding walk-up. Its nearly vertical upper ramparts give you a taste of the alpinist's exhileration and once on top you'll really know that you've climbed a mountain." After a delightful 2-mile stroll from an elevation of 4,640' at Red Box, at the junction of the Angeles Crest Highway and Mt. Wilson Road, you start up an often very steep, rocky and faint 1-1/2 mile long climber's path that goes over every ridge and bump on the way to the top at 6,165'. Coming down is even more problematic and one should definitely consider carrying a walking stick. But the 360° view from the summit is nothing short of magnificent. Though not easy, this route to Strawberry Peak is from what I have read quite a bit less difficult than the one on the other side which comes up from Josephine Saddle. To get to Strawberry Meadows, you continue past the junction of the peak trail. All the way from Red Box the trail was lined with many beautiful species of plants and well worth the effort. I found that Strawberry Spring which Robinson mentions in his trail description does not exist after four years of drought, and Strawberry Meadows does not fit my conception of a 'meadow,' being basically just a level place with a lot of dryish shrubs. My last hike in this area will be to continue on this trail around to Josephine Saddle. An asterisk next to the common name indicates a non-native taxon. |