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Primate Nooz regrets to announce the immediate departure from our editorial staff of Mr. Christopher Shaw, who has found it impossible to carry on his important work at the Page Museum while at the same time being burdened by his duties as 'Recommended Reading' editor for the Nooz. Mr. Shaw declared in his letter of resignation that the logistical problem of commuting back and forth between Los Angeles and Hellmouth has become insuperable and physically exhausting, causing him to neglect his responsibilities in both areas.  Mr. Shaw thanked the entire editorial board and staff for their courtesy and consideration, and wished much good luck to the Nooz. We on our part assured Mr. Shaw that we will continue to do everything in our power to see that the phony references to him and Reader's Digest are kept out of the paper, and we apologized once again for any embarrassment they may have caused him or his family.  It remains to be seen whether or not he will continue to press his legal action against the Nooz, but just in case he does, we have retained the services of a prominent attorney in Cheesequake who is familiar with cases like this.  In the meantime, the 'Recommended Reading' section is being taken over on an interim basis by Mr. Win Wing Wan, lately of the Beijing Zoo.


Win Wing Wan  (1988).  “What is the Tarsier?”  Primate Nooz,  88(7):3.  *****

Win Wing Wan  (1988).  “The Trials and Tribulations of a Beijing Zoo Director.”  Primate Week,  27:12-16.  *****

Win Wing Wan  (1988).  “The Lonely Life and Miserable Death of Wu Shi, the 3000-Year Old Gorilla.”  PRIMATE LIFE,  16(12):8-28.  *****

Christopher Shaw  (1988).  “Commuting Between LA and Hellmouth Can Be A Tricky Business.”  Reader's Digest,  893:52-61.  **


Due to an unfortunate clerical error, a shipment of several thousand primate raincoats that was supposed to go to Bali-Bali came to Hellmouth instead, where there is very little need for them. The Nooz supply room is now overflowing with raincoats, and we'd like to get rid of them. We have them marked down to $39.95 each or 3 for $125. Call Quincey Brindle at the Nooz office for color and size availability.

Now that I have been suspended from my duties at the Hellmouth Human Diseases and Primate Testing Facility, I have a lot of time to work on my Nooz column, “Dr. Doody's Cutting Corner,” so your questions will not be as unwelcome as they were before, no matter how pusillanimous.  Send SASE to Dr. Dick Doody, M.D., c/o Primate Nooz, Hellmouth.

Now that I have resigned from my position at the Nooz and my lawsuit is going more slowly than I had anticipated, I have a lot of time on my hands and will be more than happy to recommend some good reading for you, so please don't hesitate to call me, Chris Shaw, anytime night or day, toll-free at 1-800-555-2020, or drop on by my office at the Page Museum.

Sale on used primatology books through Sat. Nocturnal Plummeting in African and Asian Anthropoids, Primate Pesematology in 2 vols., The Burrowing Guenon of Gabon, Two Came Back, and many more. Books'n'Stuff, 14200 Vine St., Hellmouth.

Produced as a public service by the friendly  folks down at the Ralph A. Bennett Teasdale  Corp., with funding by Georgia Pacific Gabon, the Matsushita Chopstick Co., the  Bluetail Foundation, the Los Angeles County  Museum of Unnatural History, the Harvard University Primate Medical Laboratory, the  Cheesequake Junior Jaycees, the Association Against the Use of Pongids for Experimental  Testing, and the British National Monkey  Club.
© M. Charters, 1989, Sierra Madre, CA.
The Hellmouth Post Office has asked the Nooz to notify its  subscribers that it needs at least one full year's notice of any  change of address in order that it might expedite delivery.  Many of our readers live in queer places like Bali-Bali and  Gabon, and the vagaries of local postal systems and air-drop  companies, not to mention the uncertainties of political situations, make it necessary to have this extra time, and we  are sorry for the inconvenience.  We here at the Nooz hope  you will assist them to make their job a little easier.

“Living in the Greenhouse: Good or Bad for Primates?” by Forbes and Crandall Forsythe, Hellmouth Tropical Flora and Rainforest Research Center.

“The Growing Problem of Restless and Nestless Primates: A Case Study in Gabon” by Dr. Homer Perry.

“A Brief Discussion of Unnatural Relations Between Sympatric Species in Malaysia” by Eric Scotmeister Fleiglehaus.

“Fossorial Adaptations of Bluetail Guenons” by Dr. Oondóué M. Boué.

“Are Bananas the Food of the Past?” by Lou LaPlace of Lou's House of Leaves.

“Legal Implications of Using People's Names Without their Permission” by Christopher Shaw.

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