It seems that August and September are probably
the months which see the fewest species blooming at the Arboretum, and
many of the species which are in flower began blooming previously, so
there are a limited number of new species to display. Nevertheless, there are still beauties for the visitor to enjoy like the belladona
lilies, canna lilies, agapanthus, ligustrums and crape myrtles, and the
gardens such as the herb garden, rose garden, Grace Kallam garden, and
garden for all seasons are still awash in color. Lastly, there is the
tropical greenhouse which always has gorgeous orchids and interesting
species, and the new Madagascar garden. PERSONAL NOTE: In some ways this has been a frustrating endeavor for me. I had initially believed that this project would be received with enthusiasm by the powers that be at the Arboretum, but I was perhaps naive in that assumption. It has been my experience that institutions frequently do not welcome the contributions of outsiders. I have spent 400 or so hours in the Arboretum over the course of the past year, and additionally many hundreds of hours creating this website and researching plant identifications. I had hoped originally that I could undertake this project in concert with garden staff, but I have found no one who has the expertise, the time, or the willingness to assist me with plant identifications for unidentified species on any consistent basis, and with only one or two exceptions such help as I have received has been limited. I have pretty much given up on soliciting help from garden personnel, and most of those things that are currently unidentified will unfortunately likely remain so. Although I have attempted as well to point out numerous examples of misspellings on garden signs, I have seen no evidence to date that any effort has been made to correct these errors. I have basically been on my own, and as a result any errors in this site are probably attributable to me alone. |
Brassolaeliocattleya 'Eve Maria
Barnett' No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Hort. |
Cattleya bicolor
No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Brazil |
Aloe tomentosa
Hairy green aloe, Woolly aloe Asphodelaceae (Asphodel family) Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia |
Gomphostigma virgatum
River star, Otterbush Loganiaceae (Strychnine family) South Africa and Zimbabwe |
Epidendrum ciliare
No common nsmr recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Central to South America |
Yucca elephantipes
Spineless yucca, Soft-tip yucca, Giant yucca Agavaceae (Agave family) Southern Mexico and Central America |
Eucalyptus erythronema
Red-flowered mallee Myrtaceae (Myrtle family) Western Australia |
Oreocereus celsianus
Old man of the Andes Cactaceae (Cactus family) Bolivia, Peru and Argentina |
Brugmansia aurea 'White'
White angel's trumpet Solanaceae (Nightshade family) Columbian and Ecuadorian Andes |
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 'The Pearl'
Hibiscus Malvaceae (Mallow family) Hort. |
Quararibea funebris Rosita de cacao, Molinillo, Cacahuaxochitl Bombacaceae (Bombax family) Mexico, Central America |
Physostegia virginiana
Obedient plant, False dragonhead Lamiaceae (Mint family) Eastern North America |
Currently unidentified
Oncidium Sharry Baby 'Sweet Fragrance'
(O. Jamie Sutton X O. Honolulu) No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Hort. |
Anguloa clowesii
Tulip orchid Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Columbia, Venezuela |
Haemanthus coccineus
Blood lily Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis family) South Africa |
Doritis esmeralda 'Purpurea'
No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Hort. (Orig. Malaysia and Thailand) |
Epidendrum fragrans
No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Mexico, Central America, West Indies |
Cymbidium findlaysonianum
No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Southeast Asia |
Stephanotis floribunda
Bridal wreath, Madagascar jasmine Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed family) Madagascar |
Epilobium canum
California fuchsia Onagraceae (Evening primrose family) Western United States |
Ceratostigma abyssinicum
Autumn blue Plumbaginaceae (Leadwort family) East and Northeast Africa |
Amaryllis belladona 'Johannesburg'
Naked lady Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis family) South Africa |