Zephyranthes grandiflora
Pink rain lily Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis family) Northern Mexico, Guatemala |
Ipomoea carnea
Morning-glory shrub Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family) Mexico to South America |
Espostoa lanata Old man cactus Cactaceae (Cactus family) Ecuador and Peru |
Pleiogynium timorense
Burdekin plum Anacardiaceae (Sumac family) Eastern Australia and Papua New Guinea |
Acacia seyal
Gum-arabic tree, Whistling thorn Fabaceae (Pea family) Egypt to eastern and southern Africa |
Castanea mollissima
Chinese chestnut Fagaceae (Oak family) China and Korea |
Corymbia (=Eucalyptus) calophylla
X ficifolia
Red flowering gum Myrtaceae (Myrtle family) Hort. (Orig. Australia) |
Acacia pravissima
Owens wattle Fabaceae (Pea family) Southeast Australia |
Achillea filipendulina 'Moonshine' Fernleaf yarrow, Cloth of gold Asteraceae (Sunflower family) Central and Western Asia |
Salvia mexicana Mexican sage Lamiaceae (Mint family) Mexico |
Ficus elastica Rubber tree Moraceae (Mulberry family) India, Indonesia |
Cattleya 'Louise Georgiana' No common name recorded Orchidaceae (Orchid family) Hort. |
Gardenia cornuta Horned gardenia Rubiaceae (Madder family) Southern Africa |
Eucalyptus stoatei Scarlet pear gum Myrtaceae (Myrtle family) Southwestern Australia |
Tradescantia pallida (syn. Setcreasea purpurea, S. pallida) Purple heart, Wandering Jew Commelinaceae Mexico |
Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry lily, Leopard lily Iridaceae (Iris family) Eastern Russia to Japan |
Typha sp. Cat-tails Typhaceae (Cat-tail family) |
Hymenocallis sp. Spider lily Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis family) Tropical America |
Cynara cardunculus Cardoon Asteraceae (Sunflower family) Southern Europe |